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Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

This is a free, online textbook that provides a good introduction to UDL for educators and professionals. Be ready to create your free account and activate your e-book. Then, you are able to read, highlight, add notes, and watch embedded videos. The book is also available for purchase in hard copy. [Citation: Meyer, A., Rose, D. H., & Gordon, D. (2014). Universal design for learning: Theory and practice. Wakefield, MA: CAST.]

This is a brief, digestible article on the differences between UDL and the traditional classroom learning approach. It provides side-by-side examples, and it is a fantastic resource for new teachers or teachers looking to implement more UDL into their classroom.

The Three-Block Model is a UDL technique intended to increase collaborative and inclusive learning by focusing on self-worth, belonging, cognitive challenge, and social learning. Peer-reviewed research has supported the efficacy of increasing engagement and inclusivity in the classroom through this model.

“A Parent’s Guide to UDL” outlines the principles of UDL, how UDL is applied in the classroom, and how parents can best support their student with a learning disability. This resource effectively lays the foundation of UDL and is useful for parents to better understand how UDL functions in the classroom through various assessments with case study examples. 

Here you can find five conversation starters that parents and caregivers can use to discuss teaching approaches and UDL with their children’s teachers. This resource is great for parents and caregivers wanting to know more about their child’s classroom environment and how to be an advocate for their child.

This resource is a peer-reviewed journal article investigating how to better support middle school students with learning disabilities in the writing process using digital writing tools like Writer’s Key. This is a great resource for teachers looking to implement new tools in their writing lessons. The article does require institutional access or rental to view it. [Citation: Vue G, Hall TE, Robinson K, Ganley P, Elizalde E, Graham S. Informing Understanding of Young Students’ Writing Challenges and Opportunities: Insights From the Development of a Digital Writing Tool That Supports Students With Learning Disabilities. Learning Disability Quarterly. 2016;39(2):83-94. doi:10.1177/0731948715604571]

This interactive math game is a free resource (with paid options) intended to increase student engagement with math and provide alternative learning methods. It is a unique tool for teachers to use in their classroom and parents to use at home to help children improve their math skills, and it is an example of UDL in the classroom. The tool has been independently reviewed by Johns Hopkins’ Center for Research and Reform in Education, which reported that increased use of the program was linked to significant improvements in math performance on standardized mathematics tests. The main critique of the program was that there is no time limit on customizations on the game.

This page was last updated on: 06/09/2021
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