Family Supports
This article outlines how a disabled family member may impact their family. It cites relevant data and offers a multitude of outcomes that could occur. This is a great resource for family members looking to gain a deeper understanding of what to expect from having a disabled family member and for family members to compare their experiences with those highlighted in the article.
This webpage by the Massachusetts Department of Disability Services outlines what services the family support centers can provide and where to find them by region. This is a helpful resource for families with disabled family members looking for more information on services available to them as well as general support services.
This webpage answers frequently asked questions that many families and caregivers of disabled folks may have in regard to how a disability might affect their family life. In addition to general questions, it breaks down family life effects by disability, like epilepsy, autism, and more. The website is sponsored by the U.S. Children’s Bureau. The webpage was posted in 2017, so date-specific information should be double checked.
This resource hosts a compilation of guides and articles to help guide families navigating disability- and care-related services in Massachusetts. It has information on topics such as special education, health insurance, SSI benefits, guardianship, and more. It is an excellent resource for family members particularly with a disabled child who are unfamiliar with disability and care services in Massachusetts. Explore https://www.exceptionallives.org/ for additional national disability resources and webinars.
Parent to Parent connects parents of children with similar disabilities and health conditions to create a support system for families. This service is free and accessible to anyone within the United States, even if your state does not have a chapter. It is an ideal resource for families seeking emotional support and additional guidance from other families with similar experiences.