Communication Impairment
This page contains the current legal definition of communication impairment according to the special education law in Massachusetts. Links are included to organizations affiliated with each of the different categories (e.g., expressive and/or receptive language).
This quick read from the CDC provides parents with tips for teaching language along with what to look out for to detect whether their child is having real difficulties with language and/or speech. Need-to-know facts about Early Intervention programs, special education services, and educational accommodations are addressed.
This is a great resource for parents in search of details about the four main areas in which speech and language impairments occur. Though the page is 6 years old, it provides quick facts regarding how speech and language impairments present themselves, tips for parents learning to pay attention to their children displaying the signs, and options for extra help for babies, toddlers, and school age children.
This resource for parents and teachers answers questions about the importance of treatment for speech and language disorders in school, how speech pathology can support children beyond addressing their communication disorders, and the connection between teachers and speech pathologists within schools.
This site offers advice to parents whose children are receiving school-based treatment for speech and/or language disorders in both a virtual and in-person environment. A variety of challenges are presented along with specific recommendations for how to support the child in that setting. The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (AHSA) is the leading professional organization in the field of speech, language, and hearing. Parents and educators can check out all their news and resources at https://www.asha.org/.